Empathy Machine Interaction

In collaboration with the performance entity slowdanger, I wrote custom software to add interaction to a 16 foot LED ring made by ProjectileObjects. He writes about the creation of the ring here. I also contributed a guide on theory of empathy machine, that was explored through workshops around empathy machine performances.

I was interviewed by Jennifer Nagle Myers about this piece. I am really proud of how this interview turned out, you can read that here.

empathy machine has been performed across the east coast. You can read more about empathy machine (and an interview with slowdanger) here and upcoming performances here.

I also created promotional material using OpenFrameworks and OpenCV.

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I’m trying to imagine if deliberate mindless aestheticization of algorithms was a part of comp sci education… sometimes it's better than conscious explanation of algorithms/computer programs. . At our 2 week residency at @studioforcreativeinquiry these promo videos were unexpectedly helpful in communication with @__slowdanger__ & @slowdanger__ about how the camera/software was seeing them. They have been extremely patient with working with the drawbacks and limits while embracing the features of the system for what its good for. (That wraps up this weeks episode of Char is rediscovering things that lots of people know already) If you are interested in how we are exploring techy/dancy landscape empathy machine is going to be debuting in PGH Aug 30 @kstheater Alloy Studios NYC preview September 5 at Martin E. Segal Theatre Center CUNY  D.C. premiere October 5-6 at @danceplacedc . Promo video ft @__slowdanger__ Lighting by @projectileobjects

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empathy machine preview is tonight ✨ nyc (midtown)✨ free! ✨ 7pm.✨first come first serve seating✨ “empathy machine is an evening-length quintet, an imagined future, a beginning, an ending, an answer, and a warning. With intense physicality, responsive technology and heightened states of awareness, empathy machine questions societal reflexes by desexualizing intimacy, and examines empathy as an ongoing process of sensitizing ourselves to our bodies, companions, and environment. Collaboratively constructed with @projectileobjects and computational artist Char Stiles and performed by Ru Emmons @ru.e , Roberta Guido @rmglightentry , Simon A. Phillips, Taylor Slowdanger Knight @slowdanger__ , and Anna Slowdanger Thompson @__slowdanger__ ”

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