
Hello all! Welcome to the p5.js Workshop page!

Taught by: Char Stiles (ch4@mit.edu) @charstiles

In this workshop, you will learn how to code p5.js!

🧰 Here you can find the p5js reference: https://p5js.org/reference/

🔢 Cheatsheet https://github.com/bmoren/p5js-cheat-sheet

🧮 Screensaver 1 template: https://editor.p5js.org/Char/sketches/QM9tnNM6X

🧮 Screensaver 2 template: https://editor.p5js.org/Char/sketches/_c9ceubvh


Here is the code we wrote together: https://editor.p5js.org/Char/sketches/45BXoWvyC

Homework (done in class)!

Make a screensaver

Next Steps

These are some specific suggestions from me if you want to continue learning but don’t know how to start.

💜Join the community!


Check out the p5.js community catalog : https://archive.org/details/processing-community-catalog-2021/page/n391/mode/2up

💙Watch the Twitch stream cozy coding!

💚 Watch more p5.js tutorials by Dan Shiffman  
